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Celeste Young

Celeste Young

Collaborative Research Fellow, Victoria University
Celeste is a Collaborative Research Fellow and Co-convener for the Risk, Disaster and Resilience Network at Victoria University. She is a pracademic who specialises in collaborative high impact research which results in practical outcomes. For the last 20 years her research and practice has focused on systems based issues associated with risk management, transformative change, climate change, diversity and inclusion and natural hazards. Her award winning work is used by decision-makers and practitioners across a diversity of sectors and communities, here and overseas. It has also been featured in Australian state and federal policy. Celeste been an advisor to government for climate change communication and practice, systemic and social risk and her end user led methodology "working from the inside out" which integrates new knowledge into decision making contexts. She has led projects for diverse organisations including:

• Bushfire Natural Hazards CRC (BNHCRC)
• City of Melbourne
• Victorian Centre of Climate Change Adaptation Research (VCCCAR)
• Department of Environment Water Land and Planning (Vic)
• Department of Transport (Vic) (DoT)
• Rail Manufacturing CRC (RMCRC)

Prior to joining Victoria University she worked as an Executive Officer (Western Alliance of Greenhouse Action), a Quality Assurance Officer (BAE Systems) a business consultant and arts practitioner. She was a member of the Research Advisory Committee for the Australian Institute of Financial Studies, served on the Board of Platform Youth Theatre and the Steering Committee of the Institute of Sustainable Industries.