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AFAC Conference Pty Ltd (AFAC Conference) is committed to responsible privacy practices and complying with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) including any amendments.

This policy sets out how AFAC Conference complies with its obligations under the Privacy Act and how it collects, uses, stores, manages, and discloses personal information.

From time to time AFAC Conference may alter this policy at its discretion, and in accordance with any changes to legislation and regulations.

AFAC Conference will ensure that the latest version of this policy is available from the website at


This Policy is to establish protocols and protections to ensure that those contributing personal information for the purposes of furthering the interests of AFAC Conference and the fire, land management and emergency management services industry can do so with confidence and assurance that their information, including personal information and will be satisfactorily handled.


This Policy encompasses all aspects of the business of AFAC Conference and the contribution and creation of information by its Members for the purpose of AFAC Conference business.

This Policy is applicable to AFAC Conference staff, AFAC and Hannover Fairs Australia staff, AFAC Conference Members and their personnel; partners and stakeholders and those people who choose to access AFAC Conference information and services.

Policy Statements:

1.1 From time to time AFAC Conference will, collect and use personal information. The types of personal information collected by AFAC Conference depend on the circumstances.

1.2 AFAC Conference may collect personal information including but not limited to: name, address, email address and telephone and fax numbers, employer, employer address and employment position.

1.3 AFAC Conference collects personal information to:
a) provide products and/or services to an individual;
b) receive products and/or services from a company or individual;
c) contact an individual;
d) consider employment applications and manage employee relations;
e) respond to concerns, complaints or issues raised by an individual to or about AFAC Conference;
f) facilitate the conduct of business transactions and operations between AFAC Conference and an individual and/or third parties;
g) allow AFAC Conference to conduct its business, activities and operations;
h) to provide information to AFAC Members;
i) to provide information to contractors, and other service providers engaged by AFAC Conference to deliver or provide goods and services or to otherwise act on behalf of AFAC Conference.
j) provide newsletters, updates or subscription services to individuals based on:
i. AFAC Conference activities;
ii. access to research;
iii. business operations;
iv. conferences and events;
v. participation in forums and collaborative projects;
vi. participation in groups and committees;
vii. training resources; or
viii. commercial benefits program.
k) ensure that AFAC Conference’s website at remains relevant to individuals;
l) provide information based on an individual’s area of interest.

2.1 AFAC Conference collects most of the personal information it requires directly from the relevant individual by way of written forms voluntarily completed by an individual. AFAC Conference may also collect personal information from individuals, by telephone, from the AFAC Conference website, in person or by written correspondence.

2.2 From time to time, where necessary and with consent AFAC Conference may also collect information from third parties, such as from an individual’s employer or nominating organisation (such as for conference or event attendance or committee members).

2.3 From time to time AFAC Conference may collect or receive personal information from third parties, such as joint venture partners,
contractors, mailing operations so that it can conduct its business including but not limited to conducting conferences and events.

2.4 When AFAC Conference receives unsolicited information from third parties it will check that the information is reasonably necessary for AFAC Conference business, activities and operations. If it is, that information will be handled in accordance with this policy and take reasonable steps to notify the individual of the collection. If not, AFAC Conference will contact the individual to obtain consent to hold the information, or destroy or de-identify the information in accordance with the Privacy Act.

2.5 AFAC Conference reserves the right to collect personal information as otherwise permitted or required by law.

3.1 AFAC Conference will only use or disclose information for the primary purpose for which it was collected or for a directly related secondary purpose which the individual would reasonably expect AFAC Conference to use or disclose for the secondary purpose, and only in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs).

3.2 AFAC Conference may disclose personal information such as contact details for those persons who participate in group activities or research, or belong to a special interest group on the AFAC Conference website. However, this personal information will not be disclosed without the individual’s consent.

3.3 Occasionally AFAC Conference may use and disclose personal information for the purpose of direct marketing to an individual where it is permitted by law or an individual has given their consent.

3.4 Direct marketing involves communicating directly with an individual to promote products, services, conferences and events from AFAC Conference or AFAC Conference contractors, event exhibitors, sponsors or partners. AFAC Conference may employ a range of delivery methods – such as SMS, email, mail or telephone. Any individual can unsubscribe from AFAC Conference direct marketing or change their contact preferences by notifying AFAC Conference.

3.5 An individual also has the option of not identifying themselves to AFAC Conference or by using a pseudonym. However, withholding personal information, or using a pseudonym or remaining anonymous may result in AFAC Conference not being able to provide the individual with requested products or services and it may mean that an individual cannot participate in some AFAC Conference activities.

3.6 However, AFAC Conference reserves the right under the APPs to seek the identity of an individual if it is in accordance with the law or a determination of a court or if it is impractical for AFAC Conference to provide services to or deal with the individuals.

4.1 AFAC Conference may disclose personal information to third parties in accordance with this policy and the Privacy Act in connection with the purposes described above.

4.2 This may include disclosing an individual’s personal information to the following types of third parties, including but not limited to:
a) Fire, land management and emergency service agencies – these agencies are also bound by the Privacy Act or other similar legislation.
b) AFAC Conference contractors, including IT providers, telecommunication services, event or conference organisers or contractors, mailing operations;
c) AFAC Conference’s accountants, lawyers and insurers and auditors;
d) AFAC Conference’s sponsors or advertisers under current or future agreements;
e) AFAC Conference’s partners under current or future agreements, including but not limited to Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience, Bushfire Natural Hazards CRC, Red Cross and Hannover Fairs Australia;
f) any third parties an individual has directed or permitted AFAC Conference to disclose their personal information to;
g) third parties that require the information for law enforcement to or prevent a serious threat to life, health or safety or an individual or the public; and
h) as otherwise permitted by law.

4.3 Where AFAC Conference discloses personal information to third parties it will use reasonable efforts to ensure that such third parties only use the personal information as reasonably required for the purpose it was disclosed to them and in a manner consistent with this policy and the APPs under the Privacy Act. AFAC Conference’s efforts will include, but not be limited to, suitable privacy and confidentiality clauses in agreements with third parties to whom AFAC Conference discloses personal information.

4.4 AFAC Conference does not sell or licence an individual’s personal information to third parties.

5.1 Some of the third parties AFAC Conference conducts business with may be located outside Australia (including but not limited to fire, land management and emergency service agencies overseas, or AFAC Conference’s partners and/or contractors under current or future agreements).

5.2 For example AFAC Conference may disclose personal information, such as an individual’s name to a fire management organisation regarding
resource sharing between Australia and the other country.

5.3 The countries in which these third parties are located will vary. In the course of business AFAC Conference may disclose personal information to parties located around the world including, but not limited to, New Zealand, the Pacific Islands, and others.

5.4 Except where an exception applies under the Privacy Act, AFAC Conference will take reasonable steps to ensure that overseas recipients do not breach the APPs in the Privacy Act in relation to that information.

6.1 AFAC Conference is responsible for the safe keeping and maintenance of personal information relating to its employees and prospective employees, including but not limited to:
a) emergency contact information;
b) banking information necessary to pay salary and wages;
c) superannuation details for contributions;
d) medical certificates;
e) taxation details;
f) financial details and other personal interests (for the purposes of managing conflict of interests)
g) academic results, training and development; and
h) information about an employee’s performance.

6.2 AFAC Conference generally collects personal information directly from an employee or applicant, and receives consent for the collection of that information.

6.3 However, AFAC Conference may also collect personal information from managers, other employees or intermediaries such as recruitment agents and personnel providers.

6.4 AFAC Conference may also collect personal information about employees or prospective employees from third parties, such as previous employers and referees.

6.5 It is only in rare cases that AFAC Conference may collect sensitive information without an employee’s consent – such as where it is necessary to investigate suspected unlawful activity or misconduct of a serious nature within AFAC Conference.

6.6 AFAC Conference keeps and handles human resource records on its employees and prospective employees to enable it to properly manage its business affairs, assess the suitability of prospective employees for employment positions and the employment of staff – for AFAC Conference, and under Memorandums of Understanding for the National Aerial Firefighting Centre, Bushfire CRC Ltd and Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC Ltd.

7.1 For individuals and agencies who purchase products or services from AFAC Conference, all personal information or credit information gathered from the purchasing of products or services is collected, held and disposed of in accordance with this policy and the Privacy Act.

8.1 AFAC Conference will take reasonable steps to ensure the security both in hard copy and electronically of the personal information it collects and holds. This involves protecting the personal information from misuse, loss, unauthorised modification and disclosure.

8.2 All of AFAC Conference’s staff are bound by a confidentiality agreement which forms part of AFAC Conference’s employment procedures and is consistent with this policy.

8.3 The electronic databases that hold information, as well as AFAC Conference’s internal hard copy systems seek to protect the security of personal information.

8.4 When the personal information is no longer required, legally or otherwise, then AFAC Conference will take reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify the personal information.

9.1 AFAC Conference will as far as reasonably possible maintain an individual’s personal information as accurate, complete and up to date.

9.2 All individuals are encouraged and welcome to contact AFAC Conference to access a copy of their personal information, or to notify AFAC Conference of corrections or updates to their personal information or its collection, use or disclosure, or if they have any questions about the collection, use or disclosure of their personal information.

10.1 AFAC Conference’s website allows anonymous browsing and does not require a user to identify themselves unless they wish to register for a service.

10.2 When using the AFAC Conference website or through social media AFAC Conference may collect web site usage information such as the IP address an individual is using, the name of their internet service provider, their browser version, cookies, the pages of the AFAC Conference website that were requested, the date and time of those requests and the country the individual is in. Except where provided to AFAC Conference on the website AFAC Conference does not collect personal information such as name, mailing address, email address or phone numbers when an individual is browsing the AFAC Conference website.

10.3 AFAC Conference will use information from its website to create aggregate statistics about usage and other related site information that does not personally identify users.

10.4 If an individual posts information to certain public parts of the AFAC Conference website or to any social media pages operated by AFAC Conference, the individual must acknowledge and accept that the information will be publicly available.

11.1 Any individual with questions, corrections to personal information, concerns or complaints about this Policy or its application can contact:

AFAC Member Services Level 1, 340 Albert Street East Melbourne VIC 3002 Telephone: 03 9419 2388
Facsimile: 03 9419 2389
Email: Website:

CRM Manager Hannover Fairs Pty Ltd 60 Pitt Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Telephone: 02 9280 3400
Email: Website:

11.2 AFAC Conference takes all matters regarding privacy seriously and will assess all questions, corrections, concerns or complaints accordingly. AFAC Conference aims to resolve any issues in a timely and efficient manner, and will as required by the Privacy Act give reasons for its decisions under this policy.

11.3 If an individual is not satisfied with the outcome of AFAC Conference’s assessment or their queries, concern or complaint, AFAC Conference will advise them to contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner:

Office of the Australian Information Commissioner Address:
GPO Box 5218 Sydney, NSW 2001
GPO Box 2999 Canberra ACT 2601 or
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
Telephone: 1300 363 992
Fax 02 9284 9666
Email: Website:


Member – means an Emergency Service Member or Affiliate Member as specified in the AFAC Constitution and AFAC Policy Member and Customer Categories.

Personal Information – In this policy personal information has the same meaning as that of the Privacy Act. Under the Privacy Act, personal information means information or an opinion about an individual who is identifiable and which is recorded, whether or not it is recorded in a material form.

Sensitive Information – AFAC Conference does not generally require individuals to disclose any sensitive information such as details of health, race, religious beliefs, etc. If for any reason AFAC Conference collects sensitive information from an individual (for example, collecting health or dietary information from a delegate to a conference or event) then AFAC Conference will only do so with that individual’s consent to the collection, use and disclosure of that sensitive information for the purpose for which it was collected and as permitted by the Privacy Act and other relevant legislation.

AFAC Conference is responsible for this Policy and any breaches should they occur.

A Member CEO/Commissioner/Chief Officer is responsible for the conduct of their representatives.

Policy Manager:
AFAC Conference Board

Policy Stakeholders:
Board Members
AFAC Member Agencies
AFAC Conference, AFAC and Hannover Fairs Australia staff Contributors of Information to the business of AFAC Conference

Related Documents:
Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)

Authorised: AFAC Conference Board Date: 10/03/2016